Local Natural History 17 year cicada ant mounds Aquilegia canadensis columbine Argiope spider Arisaema triphyllum jack in the pulpit bird’s nest fungus black cherry extrafloral nectaries blackeyed susan with decorator carion beetle cherry gall asure Chrysochus auratus cicada cast skins club aroid mclean bog corn smut cuscutta eichienocistis cucmber frass piling potato beetle hemiptera eggs horned spanworm johnson eats eurosta miners oenothera binenis in plowed field parasitoid eggs pieris pupae color match sawfly on willow sclae on willow skunk cabbage in march skunk cabbage melts snot slimemold solanum dulcamara st johns wort beetle stick sticky silene Trilium grandiflorum uroleucon on goldenrod viceroy wasp finds caterpillar and testtube